
Subscan has the ability to read all your environment variables from the .env file in your working directory. To learn how to define your environment variables in the .env file, you can refer to the .env.template file. All the Subscan environment variables uses SUBSCAN namespace as a prefix

There are two types of environment variables:

  • Dynamic: These environment variables follow a specific format (e.g., SUBSCAN_<MODULE_NAME>_FOO) and Subscan can read them automatically
  • Static: These are predefined environment variables that we know already


SUBSCAN_CHROME_PATHfalseSpecify your Chrome executable. If not specified, the Chrome binary will be fetched automatically by headless_chrome based on your system architecture


SUBSCAN_<MODULE_NAME>_HOSTfalseSome API integration modules can provide user specific host, for these cases, set module specific host
SUBSCAN_<MODULE_NAME>_APIKEYfalseSome modules may include API integration and require an API key for authentication. Set the API key in these cases
SUBSCAN_<MODULE_NAME>_USERNAMEfalseSet the username for a module if it uses HTTP basic authentication
SUBSCAN_<MODULE_NAME>_PASSWORDfalseSet the password for a module if it uses HTTP basic authentication

Creating .env File

Please see the .env.template file in project repository. Your .env file should follow a similar format as shown below