Setup Development Environment
This section covers topics like setting up a development environment and running tests for those who want to contribute to Subscan
To set up your development environment, please follow the instructions below
Clone repository
~$ git clone && cd subscan
and its hooks~$ # Install pre-commit Mac or Linux ~$ make install-pre-commit-mac ~$ # Install pre-commit hooks ~$ make install-pre-commit-hooks ~$ # Check everything is OK ~$ pre-commit run -a
Install required cargo tools for development
~$ # Install cargo tools ~$ make install-cargo-tools
file from.env.template
~$ cp .env.template .env
Finally build the project and run CLI
~$ cargo build && target/debug/subscan --help
Running Tests
You have many options to run the tests, below are the command sets on how to run the tests differently
~$ # run all tests
~$ cargo test # or `make test`
~$ # capture outputs
~$ cargo test -- --nocapture
~$ # run only doc tests
~$ cargo test --doc
~$ # run a single test
~$ cargo test -- engines::bing_test::bing_run_test
~$ # run only integration tests
~$ cargo test --tests modules::integrations
To run tests via nextest, run following command
~$ make nextest
Create coverage report with cargo-llvm-cov
~$ make coverage
Building Docs
To build documentations, run following command
~$ make doc # or `cargo doc`
To serve project book with hot reload, use following command
~$ # run book tests and serve
~$ make live-book